Mike Pence has become the RNC strategist to return Republicans to the House. Isn't that great? He was hoping at the last minute someone would turn on health care reform and defeat the House vote as well.
They don't have good ideas, yet these men get sent back to serve over and over and over again.
The Bush/Paulson Bank Bailout was an abject failure to the Middle Class and Working Class and Small Business owners of this country, yet, the Republicans won't admit it. They got back their monies and then some when Wall Street investment banks had record profits over and over again.
It wasn't they that hired the "Pay Czar" either.
Somewhere in the House and Senate Ethics laws there should be an examination of the PROFITS those that wrote the TARP bill received AFTER Wall Street turned record profits. We hear about and object to the CEOs that receive all these bonuses, but, we don't bother to realize how much Congressional members have received in profits from TARP. There should be examination of the monies the authors of TARP received and why the Middle Class, Working Class, Small businesses and OTHER banks were left 'out of the loop.' I realize the FDIC was there for a reason, but, the number of banks that have failed following the TARP bailout is hideous.
Failed Bank List (click here)
This list includes banks which have failed since October 1, 2000. Total - 210 (According to closing date)
2000 - Two (2)
2001 - Four (4)
2002 - Sixteen (16)
2003 - Three (3)
2004 - Four (4)
2005 - None (0)
2006 - None (0)
2007 - Three (3)
2008 - Twenty-five (25)
2009 - One hundred and thirty-nine (139)
2010 - Fourteen (14) to date
Every one of these banks were lending to small businesses, had employees at all levels of the management sector including the bank teller. These people have families they contributed to, had homes and hopes for the future. The communities they served are now left with no venues for their needs and the Republicans, especially those that wrote TARP didn't and DON'T care about any of it. It is time to send these Politicians into retirement. The people of the USA should not make the mistake in believing these men actually care about them, they don't. The people of the USA never once crossed their minds, nor the minds of Bush and Paulson when they wrote TARP.
Rather than listening to the needs of the nation and asking what can be done to 'CHANGE' the poorly written legislation that gave TARP funds to investment banks ONLY and allowed the complete deterioration of the USA infrastructure, Gregg had a hissy fit.
The operative word with all conservatives is 'control.' Gregg was one of the authors of the TARP bailout. It explains why he had an interest in being Secretary of Commerce. Men like him aren't interested in what happened to the American people, he was interested in 'getting back' the monies he lost as a result of the implosion of the economic failure. Gregg is one of 'those people' that live in his own reality and have absolutely NO idea of the reality of the people of this country. He and Alito have a lot in common, they live in their own glory and completely out of touch with the Middle Class.
His ranting is completely inappropriate and is a victimization of the people of the USA to attempt to gain political favor with people that consider him important enough to dump money into a campaign that will be lased with more and more lies and propaganda.
Gregg Blasts Budget Director Over Lending Plan (click here for video)
Senator Opposes Plan To Divert Money For Small-Business Lending
POSTED: 5:18 pm EST February 2, 2010
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While President Barack Obama was in New Hampshire, Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., was blasting his budget director in Washington.Gregg opposes the administration's plan to divert leftover TARP money to a small-business lending program. He took budget director Peter Orszag to task Tuesday over the plan."This is the law," Gregg said. "It's not your piggy bank because you're concerned about lending to small businesses and you want to get a political event when you go out and make a speech in Nashua, N.H."The president's budget came out Monday. Gregg said it burdens future generations with debt.