The legislation the Congressional Black Caucus is proposing will do more than simply remove impoverished conditions from the inner city, it will enhance the economy across the USA based on poverty rates accompanied by unemployment rates.
We are counting on them to bring improvements to our minority communities. This is their time as well as that of Democrats. They have a President that celebrates the American Black Experience at every opportunity where it has been oppressed and neglected. It is time for the Black members of the House and Senate to address the issues besetting these areas of our country to resolve them.
The USA has always longed to correct the path of our impoverished from the Appalachias to the inner city. Now is the time. In states such as Michigan where unemployment is a chronic condition to the citizens there and among our youth with a current unemployment rate of 27% are all areas of concern. It isn't enough to simply see our unemployment rates comes down, it has be with a recovery of the impoverished as well and it will be with the help of the Congressional Black Caucus that it will receive focus. I wish them the best in pursuing their mission to reveal the country of its poverty.

Federal Funds Coming to Help Struggling African-Americans (click title to entry - thank you)
Congressional Black Caucus Walk-Out Effective
Last Updated Dec 2009 (December 12, 2009) - A boycott by 10 Congressional Black Caucus members of a Financial Services Committee vote has resulted in $6 billion in aid targeted at the African-American community.
According to reports, $3 billion to be added to the committee’s Wall Street regulation bill will assist unemployed homeowners by providing for low-interest loans to prevent foreclosure. Another $1 billion was added to the same bill for neighborhood revitalization programs.
To a proposed job-creation bill, $1 billion was designated for public housing repairs and $1 billion to create a trust fund for affordable housing. The money for these initiatives will come from the $700 billion bail out funds approved last year.
The caucus said more directed assistance is justified because of the significant racial disparities that exist....