Today, Lisa Murkowski actually stood on the Senate floor and stated she had a draft to submit for passage to stop the EPA ruling regarding Greenhouse Gases (click title to entry - thank you). She apologized though that she was conducting her grandstanding during the week nations were meeting in Copenhagen.
Sure. Allow me to explain why Lisa is and will continue to be unsuccessful. She is a army of a few.
Five Decades. Count them, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and now the beginning DECADE of the 21st Century.
Five Decades the USA government had to 'get it right.' To rein in Greenhouse Gases and stop the dangers of Human Induced Global Warming.
Five Decades. Get the feeling no one intended to do it at all, until, we elected President Obama? Huh? I do.
The EPA is a part of the Executive Branch. A Cabinet Level agency. It carries clout and its own authority. That is what facilitated the ruling regarding Greenhouse Gases. Any legislator has a right to challenge the ruling. Murkowski has to prove her case on the Senate floor and then it requires a vote to pass her objection. That isn't going to happen, she has no proof that the EPA should not be doing what it is currently proceeding to develop and that are very stringent regulations to control Greenhouse Gases. I suppose she could try to bring in outside agencies to support her arguments, but, it is going to be tough to exceed the scientific standards of NOAA and NASA.
What Ms. Murkowski is really kicking herself in the butt over, is the fact there isn't legislation to do this and the EPA can really get tough. Really tough. Like, CAPPING without trading. There is nothing the EPA has to do regarding any market strategy. Nor do they have the authority to proceed in such a manner. Their role is simple here. They accept the science, make a ruling and uphold that ruling.
That is what I have advocated for years. In 2003 I testified at The New Source Review, a proceeding under The Clean Air Act. I stated carbon dioxide is a toxic gas when at certain levels in the troposphere which compromises the 'safe' and 'secure' use of Earth by human beings. And indeed it does. High levels of CO2 cause melting of ice caps and ice fields which result in huge dangers to the tropospheric climate of Earth.
We know that for a fact and the out of control current climate of Earth reveals all to clearly the result of decades of neglegence of Greenhouse Gases in the troposphere including droughts and unpredictable heating events that result in human deaths, ie: France and the loss of 10,000 lives. There should be a memorial at Copenhagen to them.
The EPA is proceeding and they must. They have no alternative but to protect the lives and the biotic content of this nation. Scientists within the borders of the USA have openly stated on many occassion there is peril in delaying any longer. A California scientist has stated there will be vast forest fires to even tropical systems that would further increase the negative feedback loop of Human Induced Global Warming.
This is not that difficult for this society. We have accepted the science on a societal level long ago and have moved to make our culture flexible to mold a new reality for energy and transportation. A 'saved' American company in GM is presenting The Volt for the first time this year. It will prove to be wildly popular and they won't be able to keep up with the demand.
We have proceeded with experimental renewables for decades in progressive states like California. This has provided the foothold for our new energy reality. We are building those wind farms and solar fields. We are beginning a new grid. And consumers across the board seek to understand their carbon footprint.
The USA is a great nation. We accepted our part in this long before our government did, but, it was necessary to have our Executive Branch on our side to finish the job. I am very proud of us as a country. We are and have been ready to launch a new energy and transportation reality for a long, long time. I am looking forward to high speed rail in this country. It will be affordable and easy to access. We must make it secure and safe while elevating it above roadways and out of the curiosity of children.
The USA is becoming World Class it isn't ambitions to lead the 21st Century. I simply can't wait and I am more than happy with the performance of the Obama EPA. I thank them.