Not only that, but, it has Speaker Pelosi chasing ghosts. These people don't care about lowering the age for Medicare eligibility to age 55. Not many Americans could afford a health insurance policy that would cost an individual nearly $700.00 per month anyway.

This is not a workable solution to the problems this country faces in providing affordable health care insurance. It needs to be abandoned and a Public Option passed by both the House and Senate.
Joe Lieberman says no to Medicare buy-in (click title to entry - thank you)
By MANU RAJU | 12/13/09 10:49 PM EST Sen. Joe Lieberman told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Sunday that he couldn’t support a new Medicare proposal floated as a compromise to the public option, a development that complicates the bill’s path towards passage before the end of the year.
In a meeting in Reid’s office just off the Senate floor, aides said the Connecticut independent reiterated his concerns with the public insurance option and told the Nevada Democrat that he couldn’t support a new plan to allow people as young as 55 to buy into Medicare...
Average Americans are beginning to view their federal government as meaningless in their lives. It needs to solve the problems of the people and stop playing politics. They were elected to office to do exactly that and not simply to run chronic political campaigns as witnessed in the past eight years.
The Health Care Insurance Reform needed in the USA has long been studied. The bills in the House and Senate have been given years of consideration. They were composed with thoughtful fulfillment of achieving affordable health care for all Americans.
Quite frankly, if all the Republicans can do is submit 'last minute' amendments to much needed and long sought reform, nearly two decades now, then they better be prepared to 'rescue' the country in the future and take on Single Payer when the current system collapses.
This is just 'another' form of Democratic White Elephant that is floated for its popularity, we have an imploding health care insurance industry. Somewhere is lost the fact that if these reform measures, which HAVE TO include a Public Option, doesn't get done, in a short period of time, the Federal government will be faced with a majority of Americans unable to access good and comprehensive care to facilitate their lives. The USA will become immoble as its work force becomes increasingly ill and unable to produce products.
If this isn't accomplished, in the not too distant future the federal government will have to not only support health care insurance reform, it will be forced to nationalize it and supply the American people with their health care from birth to death.
The Republicans are glibly treating this as a political issue and up for debate. The debate is over. The legislation has been researched, written and now needs a vote. There needs to be a Public Option in this legislation to bring balance to the industry and be available for employers that 'opt out' of providing health care to their employees.
Enough already. The vote needs to be conducted and there needs to be sixty votes to pass the Senate Bill. The American people are not going to stand by and watch their vital services diminish to nothing, including health care insurance that allows a good quality of life.
The Senate needs to get on with business including a Public Option and now.