...As for the claim that the bill creates “death panels” for seniors (click title to entry - thank you) — this is another scare tactic that came about from the provision that a doctor can be paid for end-of-life counseling if the senior requests it.
A public option is also a heavily debated health care issue. If approved, the requirement for the federal government to sell insurance in competition with private companies would provide states the choice not to participate. The president says that it's not a deal breaker to the legislation he seeks. However, many folks believe the insurance monopoly should be changed and competition encouraged....

Palin, Fred Thompson show leadership, while Huckabee and Romney exude cowardice (click here)
Sarah Palin and Fred Thompson had the guts to do what Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and the entire Republican Party would not do. One month ago, Thompson became the first prominent national Republican to endorse Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in the New York District 23 Congressional race. Palin made an even bigger impact by endorsing Hoffman a week and a half ago. In doing so, Palin lived up to her penchant for going against the mainstream and taking on powerbrokers inside her own party....
Scozzafava states she is endorsing the Democratic candidate. She may be very concerned about the Right Wing gaining ground 'enough' to cause the country more harm.
In most instances, a third party candidate 'divides' the vote and makes it easier for an unchallenged candidate to win. The Bush H.W. race blames the third party candidate, Ross Perot for his loss. If the Bushs weren't such 'screw ups' and allowed the Republicans to exploit and demoralize the USA, Perot wouldn't have run in the first place. That said, Ms. Scozzafava has strong reservations regarding the third party candidate and has clearly illustrated to the public how strong those reservations are by siding with Bill Owens.
Of Bill Owens, Ms. Scozzafava stated: "I am supporting Bill Owens for Congress and urge you to do the same," she said. "In Bill Owens, I see a sense of duty and integrity that will guide him beyond political partisanship. He will be an independent voice devoted to doing what is right for New York. Bill understands this district and its people, and when he represents us in Congress he will put our interests first."
During the Vice Presidential Debates, Sarah Palin stated:
PALIN: Darn right it was the predator lenders, who tried to talk Americans into thinking that it was smart to buy a $300,000 house if we could only afford a $100,000 house. There was deception there, and there was greed and there is corruption on Wall Street. And we need to stop that.
Again, John McCain and I, that commitment that we have made, and we're going to follow through on that, getting rid of that corruption.
Sarah Palin talks out of both sides of her mouth. It was John McCain that suspended his campaign to lobby for Goldman Sachs when the USA House of Representatives initially refused to pass legislation giving Wall Street $700 billion US. We know today that the bailout was never intended to benefit the people of the USA, it literally bailed out the investment banks to all their lenders from Europe and China.
Sarah Palin and all those she endorses are in Wall Street's back pocket.
Sarah Palin in NO MORE A ROUGE/maverick than the 'Man in the Moon.' She was 'considered' someone that would bolster McCain's election run because she displaced an Alaskan Governor by promising to sell the jet he flew in at the people's expense. That is THE ONLY time her Republican entrenchment was moved to any kind of 'anti-corruption' tenor during her entire time as Alaskan Governor. There is NOTHING about her that is reformist and she and her candidates will sell the American people to the Health Insurance Industry in a heartbeat.
Her social leanings are alway to the Right Extreme of the Republican Party. She is 'anti-woman' as she is Anti-Choice and gives no American woman the credit for having the moral stamina or the intellect to address their personal priorites and life circumstances. She is proven to be a detrimental Christian Conservative to the values of the USA Constitution as she chronically calls on war and personal weapons as a measure to define her freedoms. She believed in the war in Iraq. It is one thing to have a son, as many Americans do, serving as a soldier and it is quite different to stand behind an illegal war and the suffering it caused to the people of that country.
I won't go into the personal battles she has conducted with her children. I find them worthy for the tabloids and not American politics.
Sarah Palin set her sites on money and plenty of it when she left the Alaskan Governship to 'play politics' in the lower 48. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with what is best for Alaska. It has everything to do with what is lucrative for Sarah Palin.
Palin rattles Republicans by backing third party (click here)
New York Vote; Criticizes GOP for picking a moderate
Sheldon Alberts, Canwest News Service Published: Saturday, October 24, 2009 The New Financial Post Stock Market Challenge starts in October. You could WIN your share of $60,000 in prizing.
Next month, Sarah Palin will publish Going Rogue, an autobiography aimed at solidifying her status as a Republican Party renegade.
But the former Alaska governor isn't waiting until the book's Nov. 17 release -- or her promotional interview with Oprah Winfrey -- to start shaking up the GOP establishment.
Republicans were buzzing yesterday after Ms. Palin, in a direct challenge to the national party's authority, publicly endorsed a third-party conservative candidate in a much-watched special congressional election in upstate New York.
The New Financial Post Stock Market Challenge starts in October. You could WIN your share of $60,000 in prizing....