Sunday, November 01, 2009

Bush lost the Afghanistan War to corruption and the Taliban. Please don't put those people back in office.

Former Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah during his campaign for President.

Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah says (click title to entry - thank you) he will not participate in this week's runoff election against President Hamid Karzai. He accused the government of not meeting his demands for a fair vote.
Abdullah says that his withdrawal is in protest of what he called the misconduct of the government and the country's Independent Election Commission.
The former foreign minister had given President Karzai until Saturday to remove the country's top election official in an effort to avoid a repeat of the massive fraud that marred the August 20 presidential election....

The unfortunate aspect of the resignation of Former Prime Minister Abduallah Abdullah is that he would have been the best choice for the Aghan people.

He was once the leader of the Northern Alliance and was among the first to welcome USA military in October 2001. He would have established a strong basis for existing alliances within the people he once lead to join the government in ridding the country of the oppression and corruption of the Taliban.

I do not believe Karzai has that influence, since, he was deceiving the USA government in regard to his Brother's activities which was counter productive to the outcome of the conflict and put our troops and the NATO troops in peril.

The question in my mind is what will Dr. Abdullah Abduallah do next? He is a strong ally to the people of Afghanistan and will seek to lead them even if through a parallel government. He has a strong standing with the Afghan Diasphora and they will gather around him to bring the people justice. The Northern Allliance was formed from what was once "Islamic State of Afghanistan." The Islamic State of Afghanistan IS the Taliban. They once only occupied northeast Afghanistann until Bush abandoned his responsibility to the national security of the USA, which would be served by the effective national security of Afghanistan.

The Northern Alliance grew by the efforts of Dr. Abduallah Abdullah as he influenced many of the 'groups/militia' within the Islamic State of Afghanistan to join him and battle against the Taliban. Those efforts by Dr. Abdullah Abduallh started about 1998. He was very happy to receive USA troops and the efforts by the USA to conduct a semi-non-violent invasion in 2001.

Bush abandoned what was a minimalist effort to stop al Qaeda and the Taliban in 2001 to USE the fear among the electorate in the USA to invade a disarmed country that was Iraq. He turned loose sympathy among the Islamic extremists to fight Western civilization in its entirety. Greed and death defined the West and with that Islam disfavored its presence among them.

President Karzai was an 'old world' choice and given the blessing of the former monarch of Afghanistan. What is really creepy is that according to the Afghanistan Embassy website, the nation is called, "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" (click here) as if it were a 'designer' version of the Taliban "Islamic State of Afghanistan."

If the global community wants to stop the opium trade from Afghanistan and support a multiparty democracy it needs to rid the country of corruption, otherwise, there is no sense to it. In order to carry out any semblence of democracy at this point would require an investigation into the legitimate complaint by a beloved candidate that caused him to abandon his goal of leading the country of Afghanistan out of the corruption that besets it. Former Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah cannot be abandoned to his status and his right to legitimate resolve.

It would be in the best interest of the USA and NATO to coalesce future reforms with Dr. Abduallah Abdullah and his efforts. He always has been and always will be the hope of the Afghan people. He should have been President from the beginning, but, due to his 'autonomous' standing with the Northern Alliance, Bush found it easier to corrupt Karzai for his control.