Former Vice President Al Gore
When did they know and how did they know it?
The Senate Republicans have a real problem. A real problem. It is stated in their own words. When it come to health care reform they wanted more time to study it, when it comes to legislation to protect Earth from the abuses of burning fossil fuels the Senate Republicans want more time to study the issue.
The Senate Republicans are INCOMPETENT. They chronically need time to study issues so well documented the VOLUMES of facts and figures require entire sections of libraries to house. The science stating there would be and NOW is a problem with Greenhouse Gases goes back five decades. There isn't anything else to learn.
The American people, through appropriations to NASA and NOAA have spent billions on the science of Earth and its fragile troposphere. Now, the Senate and House have to pass legislation based on the science of these agencies and a world of scientists that have settled on a consensus.
The issue of health care reform is two decades old. People have died due to the negligence of Republicans to protect them since Gingrich declared, "Contract with America." Does he care people died? No. There is no remorse by Gingrich that people have died, he now seeks to make money and plenty of it by exploiting the conversion of medical records on millions of Americans to electronic media.
People have died from Human Induced Global Warming in the USA. Have the Republicans as recent as today ever expressed remorse regarding those deaths? No. It is time for the Democrats in the House and the Senate, Blue Dog or otherwise to protect the lives of Americans through Climate legislation that controls Greenhouse Gas emissions and through new regulations for the Health Care Industry that includes a ROBUST Public Option.
Let's get the job done. The Democrats were given majorities in the House and Senate and a President in the White House to do exactly that, now they simply need to act on that trust expressed by the people of the USA. Just that simple.
The Retreat of the Greenland Glaciers due to Human Induced Global Warming. The recordkeeping at NASA doesn't get any more perfect than this. What is there to question? Those are trickles from puddles. They are rivers from tonnes of melting ice.
Boxer pushes Climate Bill forward, whether the GOP likes it or not (click here)
November 2, 2009
...As chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Boxer said she is initiating the markup of the bill — revision before it heads to a vote — bringing it one step closer to approval. To do so, she used a loophole in committee rules requiring two members of the minority party to proceed with a markup. As long as a majority of committee members are present, it can happen, she said (a tactic that is rarely used). Luckily for her, democrats outnumber republicans in the group by 12 to 7....