He was on his game. I been swearing under my breath for the last month and a half. I mean for God Sake he wasn't on an apnea monitor. Jesus. There wasn't a damn thing wrong with him. Those rehearsals were effortless for him. "I need to cue that..." I swear.

Michael Jackson's "This Is It" Conquers the Global Box Office/Here at Home, Not So Much. Explain.
November 2, 2009
10:36 AM
Taking in a huge $101 million on its worldwide opening, Michael Jackson's This Is It — a concert film drawn exclusively from rehearsal footage — has now extended its intended two-week run in theaters through Thanksgiving. Maybe now the American audience won't drag its ass. The $21.3 million domestic total for the weekend was enough to hit No. 1 and send the hot-hot-hot Paranormal Activity to second place, with $16.5 million, even on Halloween. But, please, America, your middling interest in This Is It almost had the late King of Pop eating the dust of the OMFG dreadful Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds 3-D Concert Tour.