May 13, 2007
North and West Hemisphere water vapor satelite by UNISYS
Also noted, the center of the continent has an accumulating air masse with a noted water vapor density. The 'vortex street front' I noted last week has moved on to the Eastern seacoast of North America. See it? That is why things are a bit calmer now. The air masse that 'piled up' causing all that adverse 'congestion' resulting in far higher turbulence than 'normally/formally' expected has brought on an air mass 'lighter' in density and less turbulent. So, very, very interesting to me.
To me the Earth's troposphere is comprised of a multitude of gases but the ones that matter to me the most are the ones that trap heat (Green House Gases) and water vapor. Together they form the climate of Earth and create the weather we all live within. Earth's troposphere provides life. I don't ever consider it 'bad.' It is simply Earth speaking to me in the dynamics that cause human strife or benevolence.
The dynamics that 'play/accumulate' in creating turbulence under the conditions of Human Induced Global Warming is a matter of heat calories combined with those gases and primarily water vapor. To understand the dynamics of water vapor and it's increased 'pressure' (which has limits as well and why Earth is not experiencing Cat Six and Cat Seven hurricanes. Earth's water vapor cannot supply that velocity/cohesion to allow that high acceleration. We see 'more' hurricanes, not bigger ones.) while experiencing solar radiation is to realize as 'heat transfer systems' carry water vapor from the equator and 'humidity reservoirs' such as rainforests and icefields and the Ice Ocean and Ice Continent there is an increased density. That density is exponentially mounted by the dynamics of weather front and air movement. As the heat transfer system passes over terra firm it acquires heat along it's path. That is why vortices manifest quickly. This is an exponential issue comprised of many factors and none are limited to 'simply' ideas of high and low pressure systems.
The tough aspect of this, that Mauna Loa Laboratories should be able to answer without too much difficulty is the 'Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Rate' PRODUCTION by humans at any given point on Earth contributing to 'regional' heat densities, hence, exposing transporting humidity to higher 'immediate' variations in turbulence MOMENT TO MOMENT. This 'understanding' can be as local as Mauna Loa itself and then extrapolated to local monitoring stations. Hence, added into the equations computer modeling can create for far better temporal understanding EXTENDING predictions and adding to safety. A reporting of local carbon dioxide 'daily' to a national bank at perhaps Mauna Loa itself will give a wide ranging prediction model that the world can adapt to their populations.
Thank you for your indulgence and consideration.
Personally, I contextualize this by noting tiny vectors and the impacts on them. In other words, know the limits of water vapor and the way gases and heat act on them. Molecular acceleration, not subatomic. Molecular acceleration combines into behaviors of large weather systems, etc.