Sunday, May 13, 2007

This is no joke anymore. Washington DC's Republicans are among the most corrupted human beings on Earth.

Two man, Richard "The Dick" Cheney and Georgie Walker Bush, continue to mount a campaign of greed in opposition of the best interests of the USA. The military needs of this country DOES NOT require offshore drilling ANYWHERE. If the Commander and Chief were sincerely interested in the security of the USA, he would have begun Wind Farm projects a long, long time ago.

No, if it isn't evident, I have no regard or respect for any of them. They aren't well grounded in the best interest of the people of this country. Their methods of undermining the USA Constitution speak loud and clear including their overt attacks on habeas corpus. What does that have to do with Human Induced Global Warming? You've got to be kidding me? If they had respect for human life of any kind they would not be pursuing oil and gas exploration and drilling where it's not wanted or needed. They would be pursuing 'vigorously' alternatives.

Larry Craig of I,I,Idaho stated it was paramount to the National Security interests of this country that all coasts currently 'No Drill Zones' be surveyed in case of the necessity of emergency needs. He stated in one breath that the House and Senate have a right to know the reserves of this country of any and all minerals, including of course gas and oil. Then in the next breath he goes on and on about the upcoming sale of USA property for oil and gas leases and how in another five years the coast of Virginia would be breached.

I don't think so.

The 'strip' of land off the coast of Virginia cannot be drilled for oil and gas. Absolutely not. The Chesapeake has been a horror to deal with over the years due to the unchecked abuses of industry. As a result the nation has invested in returning the waters there to some kind of health so 'the common' citizen that wants to fish for a living can do so in abundance. To 'revert' to a method of industrialization of waters offshore anywhere of the USA is just simply insane. Currently the oceans are depleted by 95% in it's fisheries. To continue to raise the temperature of this planet, heating oceans by dumping vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the troposphere is simply insane. There is no way the USA can continue down this path.

The men in DC that see the waters of this country as exploitable for oil and gas call themselves moral men. Where and how, because, all the oil and gas in the world won't do the American people a darn bit of good if they have drought stricken lands and dead oceans. Moral Men? Republicans? NO ! Not in the simplest stretch of the imagination.

Get them out of office. They already and will continue to do this nation a great deal of harm. There are better ways. We need to seek them out through methods of peace and environmental safety. This Earth doesn't belong to people that exploit it. Earth belongs to it's shepards that love it and the children yet to inherit it. It's time to get over this, folks. I mean now.

Good night.