Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Republicans DON'T 'get it.' What Rudy Giuliani says in his latest campaign AGAINST American health insurance is EXACTLY the problem.

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani "I would urge everyone to get the P.S.A. test, there's nothing painful about the P.S.A. test. It's a blood test ... You should have it tested and find out."

The 'sympathy' vote didn't work when he ran before, neither did dressing in drag, so, what does he think he's doing?

In his dissertation to the public regarding his prostate cancer he states his survival rate in the USA is 82% while that same survival rate would drop to 44% in England. To begin he is comparing apples and oranges. The USA is not England and England is not the USA. In the USA we do a lot of 'screening' and I don't see that changing. But, that isn't really his greatest folly.

When my sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor she had the best insurance money could buy. Her husband was employed at a high end job and had the best benefits in the world. So did, Rudy Giuliani. Having access to health insurance turns the corner on wellness. Being able to go to screenings and then being able to access care when diagnosed is key to being cured.

Not only that,but, he goes on and on about 'deductions' in the amounts that would invite anyone currently able to AFFORD health insurance in the first place. As a matter of fact $15,000 and $7500 could even allow people to improve the health insurance they currently subscribe to and seek new carriers IF they can get accepted for a plan that also will accept for treatment PRE-EXISTING conditions. Did the former New York mayor change insurance carriers in the middle of his treatment for prostate cancer? Of course not, he was insured by the State of New York and nowhere is there better treatment. If he had tried to find new health insurance while he was treated, he probably would be rejected for insurance and if he did receive it he would have a pre-existing condition and it would not be covered.

But back to these 'deductions.' In order for tax deductions for health insurance to matter a family has to be able to afford it in the first place. If a family doesn't subscribe to health insurance because they cannot afford it, they'll never receive the deduction because they never spent the money in the first place and they will be locked out of the system. THAT is what is "W"rong in the first place. We have Americans underinsured and uninsured that cannot get health insurance because of the expense and pre-existing condtions.

Additionally, the priorities of the health insurance industry causes deaths. They refuse treatment even if you have insurance. There are some insurance companies like 'Great Western' that may not even bother to insure any Americans, because their 'in network' participants are few and far between, there is no such thing on any provider list for OB-GYN but ONLY Nurse Practitioners, and if a subscriber goes 'Out of Network' they pay nearly nothing which is what they want to pay in the first place.

There is a lot "W"rong with the health care industry in the USA. For one, it's an industry. I'm sorry but my body is not a PRODUCT. Rudy Giuliani is wrong and so are the Republicans. The system in the USA has to be completely revamped and to listen to Michael Moore is a delight. He loves the ideas of some of the wealthier countries that afford people 'in home service workers' when ill to do their laundry and vacations to keep stress low and the chances of illness caused by stress eliminated from their countries.

Here's Michael on his PodCast.


He even takes on the Democrats running as Presidential hopefuls. That is a lot "W"rong with the USA health insurance industry and it's completely unconscionable to allow people to live without any health insurance in a country that spends trillions of dollars on bombs and missiles.

Rudy Giuliani is "W"rong on everything. He personifies exactly what is the problem.