Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mukasey is stonewalling. We have seen it before in the Alito and Robert's hearings.

By Richard B. Schmitt, Los Angeles Times October 19, 2007
WASHINGTON - The confirmation hearing of Attorney General-designate Michael B. Mukasey turned contentious yesterday as Senate Democrats accused the nominee of dodging questions about a controversial interrogation technique and backtracking on statements he made about the obligations of the president to follow the law....

With the confirmation hearings of the Bush/Cheney administration, the candidates are coached to remain silent. The Conservatives always point to Judge Ginsberg and her unwillingness to answer to the satisfaction of the questioner some issues.


The days of mimicking Judge Ginsberg are over. We have seen the corruption introduced into the Judiciary with Alito especially and in my opinion it is time for Senate confirmations to take on the character they should and vote against candidates that DON'T answer questions. Mr. Mukasey is STONEWALLING the USA Senate and it should be viewed as exactly that. He is holding the best interest of the American people hostage to his confirmation. We already know what a nightmare Gonzalez was and Bush's big push with him was the fact he was hispanic. Just because someone is a minority doesn't equate to the best candidate for the job.

If Mukasey can't answer questions, excuse him as a candidate. He will do exactly what he wants when it gets into office regardless of what he says in hearings. He won't answer because it would be a lie ! Liars are not allowed in office.

In the Robert's confirmation hearings, all we heard about Roe v. Wade was "Stare decisis" and when he took the bench, the first chance he got he turned against precident, gutted Roe v. Wade and we know for a fact has put women's lives in danger.

We need to KNOW whom is taking office and what qualities they bring otherwise they are rejected.