Franks and Rumsfeld
JIM LEHRER: Joining us now is Retired Army General Tommy Franks who just addressed this convention. General, welcome.
GEN. TOMMY FRANKS: Thanks a lot, sir. It's great to be with you.
JIM LEHRER: You said this was a time for choice--
JIM LEHRER: --and-- you chose-- made a choice between George W. Bush and John Kerry. Did you -- should your choice be interpreted as you looked at both of them and decided that John Kerry wasn't up to the job or a negative about him or more positive about --
GEN. TOMMY FRANKS: The latter case. I think - I think it's sort of like this discussion - the dots that we've had concerning intelligence and the whole WMD thing and Iraq, what I did was I started with a sheet of paper and I started putting dots on this piece of paper and determined the issues that I thought were important to me and my family and all of that.
And then I used them as metrics, and I measured the performance of both candidates against that. And at the end of the day I decided that the right thing for me to do based on my beliefs was to be vocal in support of the president.
Did any Democrat but me ever feel 'left out' of the loop? Somehow ONLY what the Republican' agenda was mattered to the Fomer General Franks. Why am I concerned about how generals are 'party affiliated' these days?
That brings me right back to the observations I made about 'the poll' that appeared in The New York Times. How can Americans know which general to trust, especially when they obviously are acting in the best interest of a Neocon party/agenda. It's a bizarre poll no matter which way one looks at it. I don't know whom dreamed it up, but, they sure as heck didn't think it through. Very odd.
The thought processes have to be...and whom would you trust? Bush, Congress or the General?
Poll Participant :: Gee, I don't know. I guess the guy with the big guns. Yeah, you know they fly nukes on B52 Bombers overhead so I guess one really shouldn't question them too much or next time it might be you, right? So, of the three, I'd have to say Generals, but, I really don't know why. I think generals are 'party-neutral' right?
At any rate, Tommy Franks had some kind of charges in Brussels pending against him so he felt insulted or something and he retired.