General Eric Shinseki Consoles Brian's Family at Arlington National Cemetery (click here)
General Eric Shinseki retired from his leadership when it was demanded of him to lead a mission into Iraq. General Shinseki has never been proven wrong about his estimation of lacking a sufficient military to secure Iraq. There are precious few after him I respected. General Shinseki was one of few to actually serve in Afghanistan, by the way. The Brits and NATO are there now, they kicked Bush out. The USA troops in Afghanistan are serving under the direction of NATO, not the USA commander and chief.
The war in Afghanistan was going well until he retired. He was mostly victorious when he entered Afghanistan. His military was met with accolades and donkeys to facilitate their movement to victory. Not only that but they were met with welcoming Russian medical outposts by the chance the soldiers found peril. That must have been interesting; having Russian military physicians greet American soldiers to ensure their well being on the battlefield. Bouy, it ain't that way no more !