The Bush White House then came out with 'The Surge.' (click here)
The media has been giving Bush's Surge a break. It has pushed the 'idea' every chance possible that 'the surge' would lead to a victory in Iraq when nothing else will. One might note that a full 45% of people in this poll state the Bush strategy makes no difference. It doesn't. The illusion of any stability with 'the surge' is in An Albar province.
Basically, Bush threw out the baby with the bath water after the Iraq Study Group. He literally eroded every general so far into retirement or some oblivious position while Rumsfeld left to make clear a new strategy against the American people: A change in the Cabinet and a change in generals would lead to victory in Iraq.
See, up to now, all the people involved with the Iraq War didn't do it right. After all, Steven Hadley knew what he was talking about. There had to be a way to 'hold' and 'rebuild.' Had to be. So, under Petraeus the USA military took more deaths, injuries but they were holding An Albar.
So, with all new leadership it would be easy to sell the nation on Bush's Real Brain strategy and overcome any and all problems of the past. All new folks, all forgiven. Yep, it wasn't 'the Iraq Surge' Bush was counting on, it was 'The Surge' in ratings of his administration against the USA populous that would be the result which would continue the war and the war funding of course.