Saturday, August 26, 2006


George Walker Bush, the corrupt inside trader of Harken Industries.

At issue are 212,140 shares of Harken stock that Mr. Bush sold on June 30, 1990, for $4 a share, or $848,560, eight days before Harken finished its second quarter with a loss of $23.2 million. By August, the share price had fallen to $2.37. The S.E.C. investigated on suspicions that the transaction was conducted on the basis of insider information, a potential crime, but dropped the investigation in 1993, saying that ''at this time no enforcement action is contemplated.''

"The Buck Stops Here" is no truer than with George Walker Bush, where it literally stops, without regard to accountability. After the collapse of two Bush companies, both bankrupt oil ventures, he took a consultant position with Harken. It was part of the conditions of the sale of the company. His compensation would come in the way of stock options. Using insider information, he sold his stocks of Harken only eight days before the stocks fell to all time lows. This was no coincidence.

Bush claims the SEC had no basis to hold him responsible for his secret insider trading scam. That's not the truth. The Security and Exchange Commission stopped the proceedings in 1993 because George H. W. Bush was President of the United States. Bush's father.

William Jefferson Clinton would be elected in 1994.

The SEC never expected Junior to be President. When he was appointed as President in 2000, the SEC again took up the investigation. As president, Bush made vast changes at the SEC in personnel, hence slowing down any investigative or litigation of George Walker Bush. By 2002, the SEC was so quagmired in 'the process' that it shelved the investigation again. Bush's suspected charges in this case have never been completely dismissed, but, simply filed away. The SEC never cleared "The President of the United States of America" of wrong doing. Bush is as guilty as the day is long.

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