Saturday, August 26, 2006

"... a wire tap requires a court order ... when you think Patriot Act, Consitutional Guarantees are in place .. because we value the Constitution."

George Walker Bush on Wiretaps.

The appearance of good insight reaffirms and legitimacizes the corruption.

NSA wiretaps ruled illegal (click on)
Judge orders program halted; U.S. to appeal

By Gail Gibson, Tribune Newspapers. Baltimore Sun; Sun staff writers Julie Davis and Siobhan Gorman and Tribune news services contributed to this reportPublished August 18, 2006
A federal judge in Detroit on Thursday struck down the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program, calling it unconstitutional and an illegal abuse of presidential power. The ruling marked the first court rejection of the controversial monitoring program and amounted to a rebuke of the Bush administration's tactics in the war on terrorism."In this case, the president has acted, undisputedly, as [federal intelligence law] forbids," U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor said in a 43-page decision that sided with the American Civil Liberties Union challenge to the government system of warrantless eavesdropping. "Plaintiffs have prevailed, and the public interest is clear in this matter. It is the upholding of our Constitution."

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