Saturday, August 26, 2006

Audit says US should repay Iraq. How is it the American People are held responsible for shoddy work by Halliburton?

Halliburton Building in Houston

And there are people that wonder why there are protestors? I mean really? The entire nation should be protesting Hallibuton.

Photos from Halliburton Shareholders protest (click on title)
by Winston Smith
Wednesday, May. 18, 2005 at 11:36 AM
Photos from the May 18th Halliburton Shareholders protest

10.24.2003 (This article originally was published in The Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Oil giant loses in court again - Houston man cheated by Halliburton
Jury Awards $70M Against Halliburton A jury has awarded $70 million to a Houston man who claimed that Halliburton and another oil company cheated him out of the chance to develop an oil field in Kazakhstan in the late 1990s. Scott Van Dyke and his company, Anglo Dutch Tenge, sued the Halliburton and Ramco Oil in 2000. A jury found in favor of Van Dyke's company on Friday. Van Dyke's attorney John O'Quinn said his client was promised a concession for an oil field near the Caspian Sea when he met the Turkish president. Halliburton contacted him in 1997 and signed a confidentiality agreement not to disclose data that Van Dyke allowed the company to review, O'Quinn said. After opting not to invest, Halliburton located another company with ties to the Kazakhstan government and bought the field out from under Van Dyke, according to the lawsuit. Yet another chink in the battered armor of Halliburton. Can't these guys do anything without cheating?

All In The Family (click on)
Company Official Defends No-Bid Army Contract

Halliburton nearly doubled the value of federal contracts it received – from $1.2 to $2.3 billion – during the five years Cheney was its CEO.

THEN, the former CEO went to the Vice Presidency and increased the wealth on all the contracts he prepared while he was head of Halliburton. It's not only corrupt and conflict of interest, it's a planned escalation in areas of war and oil that would deliberately bring profits to his personal stockholdings regardless of their supervision in a 'blind trust.' When Richard Cheney 'conned' his way to a nomination for Vice President he didn't see service to his country first, he saw his own wealth.

Army to End Expansive, Exclusive Halliburton Deal (click on)
Logistics Contract to Be Open for Bidding

The Army is discontinuing a controversial multibillion-dollar deal with oil services giant Halliburton Co. to provide logistical support to U.S. troops worldwide, a decision that could cut deeply into the firm's dominance of government contracting in Iraq.
The choice comes after several years of attacks from critics who saw the contract as a symbol of politically connected corporations profiteering on the war.

Halliburton's record over the past six years is impressive. It's exclusive contracts with military has already been demeaned solvent regardless of 'bad' bookkeeping.

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