Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This view lacks moisture at the equator over South America...

September 27, 2006.
0328 gmt.

Western Hemisphere.

... and a heat transfer system moving from the western Pacific over the North American continent to the Arctic Circle. There is another heat transfer beginning at the Amazon River Basin and extending to Africa.

Basically what the satellites show today are two dominant votices with reaches to the equator.

The Antractica Vortex definately reaches to the equator in this view and there is every reason with the above observations to say the Arctic Vortex is now as dynamic. Keeping in mind the Arctic is an ocean and that Antarctica is a landmass the impact is going to be different and resolve to minimal 'ice caps' (which is not a scientific term) for Earth. Our deprivation of moisture over the larger biodiverse areas of Earth is due to the ever increasing heat of Earth's troposphere under a thick blanket of carbon dioxide. As a result the only moisture 'provided' is that of melting/subliming icefields and ice caps of Earth. That is why the storms are dynamic and short.

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