Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The vortex of the Pacifc Ocean west of South America. It's like one last seasonal cyclone. The separating of the Antactica vortex from the equatorial aire mass can be noted at the Amazon River Basin as well. Let's hope it's permanent.

With the pull back by Australia of carbon dioxide producing technologies, noting their profound drought of the last two years, the southern hemisphere maybe safe but we have yet to realize the fate of the Arctic Ocean.

Hopefully, we will see a return of the ice terraces of Antarctica and the ice shelves of WAIS. Every season of really frigid temperatures in Antarctica buys us more time to 'get it right' with Earth.

Alternative energy sources means never having to say we are sorry ever again. We can be confident we have saved future generations the pains of Human Induced Global Warming and the sins of past generations. Don't give up the ship. I hate cliches'.

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