Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Smithton is a city in Pettis County. The latitude of Smithton is 38.68N. The longitude is -93.092W.

March 12, 2006.

Photographer states :: This storm ravaged thru Pettis County, MO in West Central MO. It had just tore thru a mobile home park where a woman was killed and was getting ready to pass over US hwy 65 Just South of Sedalia, MO. It continued in an East to Northeast direction and the Super cell it was generated from actually covered 6 states, spawned many tornadoes and lasted for over 17 hours! It was the same cell that caused damage in Springfeild, IL.

Here again the turbulence was do to a vortex that manifested it's fury in the vacinity of 36 North Latitude.

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