September 28, 2005.
A rare picture of the 'business end' of a Giant Squid. Admirably the fishing vessel didn't haul it on board. I congratulate them for appreciating the mysteries of the sea. Squid are rather vicious eaters with a very dangerous orafice. The tenticles extend far in front of this animal. It's head can be observed in thie picture. The tenticles would pull it's prey into it's mouth pieces. Fascinating picture.
Caption :: 2301 GMT SEPTEMBER 27, 2005.
An undated handout combination image released September 27, 2005 by the Royal Society shows the first photographs of a live giant squid in its natural environment, taken by Japanese scientists in the Pacific Ocean. Until now the only information about the behaviour of the creatures which measure up to 18 m (59 feet) in length has been based on dead or dying squid washed up on shore or captured in commercial fishing nets.