Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Democrats request for donations is in response to this man's insistence that Republicans be elected in 2020 and 2024.

Meet Steven Law.

Never heard of him? Makes sense. Not many Americans deal with the fact there are only a handful of men at the top of Republican fund raising. He is one of them. As a matter of fact he is so much the sole leader of such efforts there has to be a violation of campaign finance law.

October 30, 2012
By T. W. Farnum

After more than a decade (click here) working side by side, the two men rarely talk these days. But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Steven Law, his trusted former aide, remain a powerful combined force in Washington.

Law heads American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, conservative groups whose $300 million budget has allowed them to outspend every other interest group in this election, as well as the Democratic National Committee. Together, the two groups have matched the Romney campaign in running anti-Obama ads, and in the past two months, they have put $35 million into 10 Senate races around the country — more than the Republican Party itself.

If things go his way, Law could deliver control of the Senate to the Republicans and their leader, McConnell. It would be a fitting outcome for the two, who have spent their careers in part shaping the rules governing how money is spent in politics....

I was always under the impression that Crossroads GPS was Karl Rove, not Steven Laws.