Sunday, August 21, 2022

Caleb is not the only person involved with the Alabama Policy Institute.

For over 30 years the Alabama Policy Institute (click here) has fought for good public policy solutions throughout the state of Alabama. API is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and research organization committed to free markets, limited government, and strong families. API reaches its goal of sound public policy through research, advocacy, and public education efforts....

The Alabama Policy Institute (click here)

The problem I have with this institute, is that their focus is not at all inclusive of Democrats and their principles. It's definition of it's mission and policies are very narrow and for the most part exclude Democratic candidates. If they aren't interested in sincere and true non-partisanship, then they need to clear up their act.

Now I am certain there are many good people connected to this organization and it's political monies, but, for an institute dedicated to strong economic principles they need to take an honest look at Alabama and tell their public they are supporting the best policies for Alabama.

Alabama is ranked ninth in the USA for it's poverty rate of 15.98 percent. Alabamans lean heavily on federal poverty programs as Tommy Tuberville will tell anyone who asks. One of his jobs as US Senator is to support the programs the people of Alabama need because the state has a gdp of about $49k per capita. That places Alabama about the middle of the country's GDP. It is lead by California with a GDP of $85k per capita. 

California has an interesting philosophy among it's residents. They take the issues on and look for solutions that might increase taxes, but, then the people aren't struggling anymore. It is one of, if not the most hard hit so far in the USA among states for the Climate Crisis. The state is active in it's approach and the people are following the lead of their Governor to prevent further and more difficult water shortages.

I am disappointed by the Alabama Policy Institute because it is not working for the people of Alabama and carries the wrong values when providing funds to political campaigns.