Sunday, March 13, 2022

The story goes like this:

The victim receives and email from Romeo number 2. He states he and his peers on duty at the medical facility in Mogadishu are sitting around shooting the breeze when all of a sudden there is an explosion on the opposite side of the compound wall. Alarmed and worried as Romeo and his team decided to find out if someone was hurt or there was just a big crater in the Earth.

When they get to the place where the explosion took place there was debris everywhere, but, in the corner is a big tin box that survived the explosion. The three "on duty" medical personnel set the box upright and they notice there is a door that is damaged but partially open. They open the door the rest of the way and low and behold, there is money and gold inside. 

They take the contents which no one witnessed but themselves and before any authority arrives they make it back to the medical compound and stow the cash and gold in a locker and place a padlock on the locker. Later that night, the three open the locker and equally divide up the cash (US by the way) and gold. 

Romeo has taken his share and placed it in a locked box along with some trivial stuff and is shipping it to the victim for processing. Placing the cash in a bank account would be a good thing and then taking the gold and selling it would produce more money and that can go in the bank account, too.

The victim is astounded by the email and types in the tracking code and wow, there really is such a package. She writes to Romeo and he tells her it will be to her by Valentine's Day and she should buy an engagement ring with it. She is skeptical, but, can't argue there is a shipment staring at her in the fact handled by a company that handles military stuff. Sounds interesting and the package is already on the way.