Sunday, January 09, 2022

The children's faces or names will not be exhibited here.

About four months went by when Romeo came to Jane on Google Hangouts once again. She was surprised to see the icon with his image on her phone.  She had second thoughts about answering it, but, thought perhaps he might want to apologize. That was not the case.

Romeo stated he was simply checking in to see how she was doing. Of course the global pandemic was in full swing in 2021 and she believed he might be lonesome and simply needed to talk. So, she said she was absolutely fine and was hoping the same was with him and his beautiful daughter.

He stated his health was good and his daughter of course was still in the USA living with her caregivers and she was healthy and well. He asked if she could do him a favor. He needed to update his iPhone and needed an Apple Gift Card. He explained downloads of updates were not available overseas and he needed an Apple Gift Card to carry out his task. He stated he still needed the phone for his work in the gas fields and he needed to be able to communicate with his crew on the job. 

Jane stated she thought that was a very odd request since they hadn't talk in such a long time. He stated he would not have bothered her, but, the supply chain issue didn't allow for delivery of Apple Gift Cards.

All that seemed right to Jane although she now admits she didn't have a clue about that being the truth. She thought about his daughter and perhaps him losing touch with her and she said she thought she could help. He asked for $300.00. She was astounded. Jane stated, "I thought $25 would help, but, $300, I just don't have that kind of money laying around to buy Apple Gift Cards."

Romeo begged for her help and she said she would be able to scrape together $100, but, not $300. Romeo stated that would be a good start and maybe she could do better later.  During their conversations Romeo stated there were many scam artists out there and he knew of an investigator that could assure her that he was a good person. He stated he wasn't going to use the Apple Gift Card for nefarious purposes.

This purchase is in the next entry. If there is any law enforcement interested, Jane was scammed and this needs to end. Romeo stated he was still in Qatar working on the gas fields when these images were sent across the internet. If this was a scam carried out in Qatar, the Apple Gift Card was purchased in Michigan for $100.00. This is not right. It should not be going on and these are monies she did not readily have. She saw this as a one time assistance, but, Romeo did not.

He continued to write to her making small talk. After a couple of weeks he stated he really needed the other $200.00 in gift cards. She simply stated it was a burden she could not help with and asked how his daughter was doing and did he call her. Romeo stated he would be going home to the USA for Christmas and would not be returning to Qatar as he wanted to be a better father. Jane stated that was wonderful and he must be excited in that it was less than a month away. 

He asked again about the Apple Gift Card and Jane One stated since he was going home by Christmas he would be able to download all the updates upon touch down in the USA or sooner, perhaps in flight. He carried on something terrible and Jane One stated, "Good night, Romeo." Look me up when you get home to the USA.

A few weeks went by and Jane One that should would see if Romeo One had made it home. When she went to write on Google Hangouts, she was blocked from any exchange. She was very surprised. She was convinced he was serious about the interest in her for marriage and she then realized she knew nothing about this man and his daughter. Was unsure about his residence, could not get in touch with him in any other way than Google Hangouts and she decided she was used and abused. She determined Romeo One indeed had a temper and it showed by his nastiness in blocking her on Google Hangouts.

Jane One is retired and comfortable in her late fifties. She is not married and only occassionally hears from her children who live at a distance. Michigan is a fairly big state.

I thought this relationship was fairly benign. The familiar relationship took place over time and was not exploitive immediately.