Saturday, January 30, 2021

Migrant children expulsion

Just because a federal appeals court allows unaccompanied migrant minors to be removed from the USA after crossing the border without immigration papers doesn’t mean that is USA policy. 

The children at the border can be tested for COVID-19 and its variants while being taught the dangers of the viruses, the usefulness in protecting life by wearing masks, distancing and clean hands.

I am sure President Biden will once again institute asylum laws with proper precautions of testing and physical wellness for children. It will be a way to say to the world the USA still sets the example for compassion and humanity.

I look forward to being proud of my country again.

Biden’s administration is attempting to find the parents that were separated at the border from their children. This time the children are unaccompanied so the decisions are easy. For THOSE Americans that want to keep them out because they would be a burden to the country, I remind them there will be 500,000 Americans dead by February. There is plenty of room for the children.