Monday, December 07, 2020

Safe Harbor Day

It is about 90 minutes until "Safe Harbor Day" arrives. President-Elect Biden has the 270 electorates to move into the President's office. 

It is safe to say at this point the illegitimate politics of the extremists will be relegated to tabloid papers.

This needs to be a turning point whereby legitimacy ONLY exists in the political spectrum of the USA. Anything else is unethical.

I understand the current president is refusing to let military intelligence have the right to speak to the new president. I have to wonder how much of the current president's intelligence is legitimate. Russia has polluted this country. I believe at the highest levels. Russia probably is still mentoring Trump for another Venezuela in the Western Hemisphere.

President Biden may very well need to rebuild his own military intelligence. I couldn't be more serious. There is NATO and the intelligence of The West. I am confident they didn't trust Trump either.

Reality check: Ukraine 

Ukraine's alarming reality with Trump wasn't happening in a vacuum. It just had a great American whistleblower. Former Ambassadors' knowledge will recreate that great military intelligence once again.

Everyone worries too much.