Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Vaccine distribution

President Biden needs to speak with Governors after they have spoken with the state hospitals in regard to front line workers. 

If I may be so bold as to suggest a method of distribution: 

Most states are populated with “Healthcare Systems.” Each system is usually an umbrella organization for an entire region of a state. Each healthcare system will know how many patients are within their system, including front line workers. Each system will know the COVID-19 population, the spread and the ability of the system to stem the spread. There have been nurses speaking to the public through local media appearances about the spread and asking them to curtail their activities to prevent greater spread of the virus.

The vaccines priority distribution is up to those at the lead of this effort namely the panel of experts with President Biden. 

The point is the USA healthcare system has structure. There are competent people within that structure and that structure is organized within every state. The healthcare structure is also organized by the acuity of patients as well. There are state trauma centers organized as Level 1 to Level 3 and there are rural hospitals and tribal areas.

The Governors and the state HHS secretary will have organized within the current healthcare system structure as to where and when vaccinations will be utilized. If that hasn’t happened, each HHS state Secretary needs to do that now.

One other thing. There are also independent facilities such as Ford Motor Company planning distribution as well. Each state needs to have them involved if they hadn’t already organized privately.

This is not as monumental a task as it seems.

Nursing homes are rarely a lone enterprise. They are usually corporate entities. The single proprietorship will have to be listed with the state as well.