The health of the American Middle Class has far-reaching impacts on not just the USA economy, but, the global economy. The Middle Class/Working Class (including the poor) needs to know they can safely return to work as soon as possible BUT after they are assured transmission of SARS-CoV-2 will NOT occur on the job.
This is supposed to be the highest priority of the Secretary of Labor, however, he is mostly absent.
This graph illustrates the understanding of linear vs. exponential growth. The growth in any population on Earth is exponential. SARS-CoV-2 is not only exponential in it's growth among people, but it also occurs rapidly.
Kahn Academy on Linear vs. Exponential Growth (click here)
The graph below is the unrelenting unemployment claims in the USA primarily due to the exponential growth of SARS-CoV-2 (click here).
This graph is the number of new cases of COVID-19 in the USA. I stated very early on that the new cases in the USA were different than other countries because the response to the virus was never centralized, but, left to governors of the states. That pattern I talked about then is holding to be true. This unique pattern in the USA is because there are 50 authorities making policy rather than a central government authority. This graph also beings curiosity for the purpose of the Trump daily press conferences. They have no impact to bring the exponential growth of COVID-19 to resolve of ZERO GROWTH.
The dialogue regarding the Middle Class and Working Poor return to independent income needs to change. WHAT IS THE WORK ENVIRONMENT Americans are returning to?
The dialogue to federal spending MUST include regulatory expectations for Americans in relation to their work environment. The workplace MUST maintain a ZERO exponential growth of COVID-19. That means the workplace looks differently in ending the potential of disease spread. If this does not occur, there will be a significant number of people taken out of the workforce because of disease and death. So, therefore, why return Americans back to work at all?
Achieving Herd Immunity may prove to be a huge folly considering the extent scientists are learning adverse effects on the outcome of virus exposure. The idea of a PROVEN EFFECTIVE vaccine WITH HIGH SUCCESS IN THE RANGE OF 95 PERCENT has sincere importance in the resolve of the virus.
HOWEVER, the more expedient approach maybe to ELIMINATE the virus from any society, USA or globally. New Zealand's method is PROVEN to this being possible. New Zealand ordered the society quarantined across the country. It stopped the spread of the virus IMMEDIATELY. The ill were treated. The country reopened and a spurt of spread was noted and the country immediately reacted and returned to a Stage 2 status which brought the number of new cases to zero once again. The New Zealand approach is the ONLY rational approach considering the devastating reality of "living with COVID-19."
The other extreme to the New Zealand model is that which was engaged by Trump. He attempted to introduce DENIAL as a mass strategy to allow the virus free access to the population of the USA which is a herd immunity strategy. It can if instituted in some states, create another episode of exponential spread. Herd immunity is not the answer considering the continued adverse effects of the virus on the human body.
New Zealand has not had to implement regulatory expectations of their workforce and their workplace because the virus has no potential at all.
Opening the American workforce to herd immunity is a huge folly and should be eliminated as a potential answer for the USA. I strongly believe SARS-CoV-2 is not only deadly but, leaves permanent scars on the human body with the potential to handicaps currently and in the future.
If the USA political environment demands FORCING the USA workforce back to work, then there MUST BE REGULATORY SAFETY STANDARDS for every person returning to work. That means employers MUST create a safe environment for their workers. The spread of this virus MUST END.
Future legislation regarding COVID-19 has to begin the focus on returning Americans to work. The CHARACTER of that legislation must have a determined and purposeful path. Ending the spread is vital.