May 14, 2020
By Abby Phillips
As President Donald Trump (click here) held forth in the Cabinet Room on Wednesday railing against voting by mail, the Republican candidate in a hotly contested special election in California was being declared the winner after voting was conducted almost entirely by mail.
"So the problem with the mail-in ballots: It's subject to tremendous corruption. Tremendous corruption, cheating," Trump told reporters. "And so I'm against it.
"We're not going to lose elections because of that."
Republican businessman Mike Garcia's victory over Democratic State Assemblywoman Christy Smith in California's 25th Congressional District race is not only a major victory for Republicans, but it also deals a blow to Trump's contention that mail-in-only elections benefit Democrats and are ripe with fraud.
The special election was conducted almost entirely by mail because of the coronavirus. But even still, the Republican candidate, Garcia, a former Navy fighter pilot, defeated Smith. Garcia currently holds a 12-point margin, but an unknown number of votes are still outstanding because of ballots that may have been mailed up until Election Day....