DeSantis is looking forward to making Trump's Daydream come true. You know, do nothing and watch people die in front of you. Trump is wrong about what an unmitigated COVID-19 looks like. No one would be getting out of bed and would die there and the hospitals would still be swamped. Not only that but 2.2 million dead in an unmitigated COVID-19 is low as far as I am concerned. The people would be swamping hospitals completely unprepared for their tsunami. There would be far larger numbers than 2.2 million.
The American people need to grow an appreciation of the Liberals and Democrats, THEY are the canary in the coal mine. They are the first to leap to attention when lives are in the breach. Their focus is always the people less able to care for themselves.
DeSantis knew full well that the Spring Breakers would go home and infected with COVID-19. He definitely was looking forward to the deaths that would bring. NO RELIGIOUS DOGMA IS GOING TO SAVE HIM FROM WHAT HE DID.
Americans need to be sure about the monies they are spending with the support coming from the federal government through their employers or the unemployment checks they are currently receiving that will be increasing in the weeks to come. There is no guarantee the Republicans will pass a bill that extends the benefits.
Virgin Orbit (click here) has stepped up to bring the people fo Great Britain a real opportunity to make it through this pandemic with the obvious failure of the current Prime Minister. Their efforts will support people globally as well. But, then that is Sir Richard. He takes his title seriously. He developed his own version of the emergency ventilator. They don't have to last forever, they just have to last through the illness.
"Bridge" ventilators (click here) developed by experts in collaboration with Virgin Orbit.