Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Congress is doing the right thing with the revised $2 trillion bill They focused on companies, states and the American people. I am proud of them.

Congress has to develop an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE that allows distant voting. If the president can sign with a digital pen, so can Congress when they vote at a distance. 

I am proud of my government today.

The financial sector will be fine. They need to go back to supporting companies, too and stop their narcissistic needs. The financial markets bailed on everyone. They are so soft in their commitments it is unbelievable. They should have stood by their investments and been patient with the USA government to do the right thing and support the companies within the financial sector AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE which is the backbone of the markets.

Everyone will be fine and will have learned a great deal along the way. Mostly, the consumer economy will be intact with the extension of unemployment.