Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) has announced the following:
Jera Co., Inc. (click here)
Issuer Rating: A+, Previously A
Rating Outlook: Stable
Commercial Paper: a-1, Affirmed
Short-term Fuel Procurement Business (click here)
We leverage our world-leading offtake volume to build a fuel portfolio that is price competitive in short-term trading (4 years or less for LNG) and capable of coping with volume and price fluctuation risk. We contribute to Japan’s supply of stable and economical electricity and gas through competitive fuel procurement, and are utilizing the flexibility we have gained to expand our fuel trading business.
Fuel Trading Business
Our coal trading business started in 2008 and have already expanded to LNG. Staffed by about 300 employees, the business is undertaken mainly by JERA Global Markets, which is based in Singapore and London. JERA Global Markets contributes to optimizing the overall supply chain through asset-backed trading by leveraging our world-leading fuel procurement volume.
Nowhere in Jera's Corporate Goverance (click here) will anyone find a concern for planet Earth and controlling greenhouse gas pollution.
Expert Advisory Board (click here)
The Expert Advisory Board has been established in JERA since 2017, whichprovides the Directors and the Management with access to global experts in the core areas of JERA’s business. It aims to strengthen JERA’s core values, “diversity” and “excellence”; and broaden JERA’s network of global contacts.
Nowhere in Jera's Corporate Goverance (click here) will anyone find a concern for planet Earth and controlling greenhouse gas pollution.
Expert Advisory Board (click here)
The Expert Advisory Board has been established in JERA since 2017, whichprovides the Directors and the Management with access to global experts in the core areas of JERA’s business. It aims to strengthen JERA’s core values, “diversity” and “excellence”; and broaden JERA’s network of global contacts.