Sunday, February 09, 2020

The 20 Countries that emitted the most CO2 in 2016 (click here)

1. China - 9056.8MT (Metric Megatons) 

2. United States of America - 4833.1 MT

3. India - 2076.8MT

4. Russian Federation - 1438.6MT

Of the four top ranking polluters of CO2 the USA is the ONLY First World country.

I take issue with US Senator Bernie Sanders when it comes to what countries are most responsible for CO2 emissions. The USA as of 2016 was still number two and only preceded by China, still considered an emerging economy.

When, not if, the USA achieves zero greenhouse gas emissions, it will end 16% of CO2 emissions and below the USA is ranked 4th among the top 4 methane emission countries.

Methane emissions (kt (kiloton) of CO2 equivalent) - Country Ranking
4United States499,809.30
From the World Bank, the USA is still a high polluter and must stem these emissions.

In 2017, (click here) the United States emitted 6.5 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases (CO2e). Carbon dioxide accounted for the largest percentage of greenhouse gases (82%), followed by methane (10%), nitrous oxide (6%), and other greenhouse gases (3%).

In realizing volume alone is not the complete understanding of the greenhouse gas emissions, ALL greenhouse gases have to come under control and end.