Sunday, February 09, 2020

Get rid of the cowards. No wonder the USA has the military it has.

Only one US Senator has the guts to say it like it is?

Donald John Trump is an illegitimate president. He was elected in 2016 in an election tainted by Russian propaganda and remains in office because of the fear of being primaried. There is no way Trump is going to throw mud at a US Senator that is already on the ballot. The US Republican Senate primaries begin in March and run through September (click here).


Those US Senators have to go and the breed of US Senator that cannot defend the USA Constitution should be soundly removed from office. That is a traitor. 

Trump will pull the same baloney he did last time in 2016 with US Senate candidates. Don't let him get away with it. While people vote with their pocketbooks, there have been some very close calls with national security that cannot be repeated including a sincere attempt to start a war with Iran.

February 5, 2020

One senator (click here) says he knows the real reason why Republicans acquitted President Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress: Fear.

That’s what Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Wednesday afternoon, shortly after Trump’s impeachment trial ended.

“There’s an old Russian proverb: The tallest blade of grass is the first cut by the scythe,” Brown wrote. “In private, many of my colleagues agree that the president is reckless and unfit. They admit his lies. And they acknowledge what he did was wrong. They know this president has done things Richard Nixon never did. And they know that more damning evidence is likely to come out.”
So why then, vote to acquit Trump, even if the Republican agenda would have remained intact under a President Mike Pence?
“Fear has a way of bending us,” Brown said, noting his colleagues’ concerns of raising the ire of Fox News, conservative radio hosts, Twitter followers, and, of course, Trump himself, and losing their seat in the next election.
“They stop short of explicitly saying that they are afraid,” Brown wrote, “ We all want to think that we always stand up for right and fight against wrong. But history does not look kindly on politicians who cannot fathom a fate worse than losing an upcoming election.”