Sunday, February 23, 2020

After the marriage to Michelle and his role in Chicago's community; his service as a US Senator had many achievements.

During his first three years in the Senate, (click here) Obama focused on issues such as lobbying and ethics reform, veterans’ benefits, energy, nuclear nonproliferation, and government transparency. From his seat on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Obama secured disability pay for veterans and advocated greater services and assistance for returning service members who served in Iraq. As a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, Obama sought to reinvigorate a national dialogue about developing more–energy–efficient vehicles and alternative energy sources. On the Foreign Relations Committee, he worked with then–Chairman Richard Lugar of Indiana to initiate a new round of nonproliferation efforts designed to find and secure nuclear and conventional weapons around the world.

Barak Hussein Obama went on to become the first Black President of the USA. He was instrumental in recovering the USA economy from it's darkest days of 2008. His presidency would last eight years with movement to secure the future for the children of the USA. He having two beautiful daughters realized the importance of education and heritage including leaving the Earth intact for generations to come.

After a remarkable presidency, President Obama needs a home for his library.

The Obama Library (click here) is being held up by federal issues.

January 27, 2020
By Jay Kozlarz

...The city hopes to conclude the review process this summer, (click here) according to a timeline shared by the Chicago Department of Planning and Development. Until these processes are completed and any outstanding issues resolved, construction on the center cannot begin.

Federal agencies haven’t been the only obstacle standing in the Obama Center’s path. In 2018, a local nonprofit environmental group called Protect Our Parks filed a federal lawsuit against the $500 million development, claiming that transferring public land to a private entity for private use is prohibited by law. A judge later dismissed the suit, but that decision could be appealed....

President Obama needs to begin work on this Presidential Library.

Chicago’s African American community (click here) has had a lasting impact on our culture and history. The city’s first permanent settler was a black man from Haiti, who is now honored with a downtown bridge and a renowned cultural museum. African Americans would continue to shape the face of Chicago and the nation, from the Great Migration to President Obama’s victory speech in Grant Park.

Today, Chicago is home to thriving African American communities in neighborhoods all across the city. Bronzeville and Hyde Park are two areas where black heritage is proudly on display, from family-owned restaurants to vibrant works of art. Here’s where you can experience African American culture in Chicago....

There is a new mayor in Chicago and the opposition to President Obama's Library has to conclude. No one values parks of all kinds than me. President Obama's library includes natural settings. I am confident he will value the park. That plan has a lot of green in it's planning. Can it get real already?

February 20, 2019
By Jennifer Schuessler

The Obama Presidential Center (click here) promises to be a presidential library like no other.

The four-building, 19-acre “working center for citizenship,” set to be built in a public park on the South Side of Chicago, will include a 235-foot-high “museum tower,” a two-story event space, an athletic center, a recording studio, a winter garden, even a sledding hill.

But the center, which will cost an estimated $500 million, will also differ from the complexes built by Barack Obama’s predecessors in another way: It won’t actually be a presidential library.

In a break with precedent, there will be no research library on site, and none of Mr. Obama’s official presidential records. Instead, the Obama Foundation will pay to digitize the roughly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the administration so they can be made available online.

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover....