Saturday, September 07, 2019

The Bahamians are stating their government failed them. I think the failure of humanity is obvious when it comes to island nations facing down these storms. I want to know if the USA turned down the opportunity to save lives. Why weren't USA transports deployed to evacuate people from these islands? These islands are allies and it appears to me there was gross neglect of USA responsibility.

I am certain there has to be treaties that exist, including those of humanitarian doctrines that were violated. This is the second time for the USA. Puerto Rico was the first island territory completely neglected and the deaths were in the thousands. It is something that needs to be examined.

I do believe there are still missing persons. That will be the case in the islands hit by Dorian. People get washed away in these storms. The missing need to be included in the death count as well.

The land that is underwater now may not surface again. The erosion during the storm and sea level rise may have removed any land. Geography has changed.