Having Donald Trump in the Oval Office, two years with complete negligence of oversight and tolerating lying in the Executive Branch has emboldened Russia.
When I look at this picture it makes me realize that it was not a PR picture, it was a victory picture. Russia won. It wasn't about diplomacy, it was about surrender.
The idea that Trump wants "...to do things in Russia..." (for his company) is to realize Trump has no sincere appreciation for the enemy standing in his office and the message that sends the world. The same silly ideas are imposed on North Korea for Trump. There are business ventures foolishly planning and making inroads for business in North Korea. Did they notice there are still missiles being fired near our allies in the Pacific?
The USA has enemies, Russia is one of them. The only war prevention with Russia at this point are nuclear weapons. Realize,for all the diplomacy the USA has conducted since Bush 41 decided "A Family of Nations" was the path to peace, Russia never gave up brinkmanship or the idea of reuniting the USSR. Never. Not for one minute did Russia set aside all animosity and become a family member.
There is still communism in the world that dominates the safety of human life even within the borders of countries embracing capitalism. There are oppressive regimes, dictators allowing the free and open slaughter of people because THEY COULD BE DRUG DEALERS in the Philippines. The Philippines used to be an ally and that faded with reports of sexual assault by Americans and the hatred of the USA military. Now, the Philippines is in ruins when it comes to the free will of the people and the practice of democracy.
No different than Venezuela, the Philippines is not an ally, but, coveted by Russia as a platform in the Pacific. Immediately after Trump spoke with Duterte, IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARD, Duterte flew to Moscow to meet with Putin. That told Trump he has to come a long way to become one of them in order to be a part of them. Trump is chasing rainbows because he wants the wealth that lies within these countries and they don't even have strong consumerism. His rainbows have no pot of gold.
The USA should never tolerate a president that places his own dreams of wealth ahead of the national security of the USA and Trump does exactly that.
The American people need to realize the leadership of this extremist Republican arm are dangerous people. They are liars. I could not believe that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the supposed pinnacle of Christian Evangelical leadership, is a liar. She didn't just lie to the people of the USA, but, she lied to the Special Council. She is another Rove. "Wait, wait, don't file charges, let me try to get this right with the Grand Jury." Rove appeared before the Grand Jury in regard to the Plame outing six times. He didn't appear for more information, he appeared before the Grand Jury because he didn't want to go to jail for his lies.
The Special Council report is about a communist country that successfully influenced the supposed free and open elections of 2016. It worked. The Russian intelligence agency SET UP A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING there was a DEEP STATE. It was so successful politically, Trump wouldn't give it up and to think he is going to repent now is a fool's errand.
We are talking about a current Executive Branch that used it's influence in Senate elections to intimidate the Republican majority in the US Senate to even conduct oversight for two full years. This isn't about politics as the Republicans have decided, IT IS ABOUT THE COUNTRY and the security of the country for adverse foreign influence.
The American people need to take the Special Council report seriously and begin to prioritize the reality that the USA has allies and it has enemies and the "Family of Nation" idea may have been a good one, but, in REALITY, it compromised the USA and didn't benefit it in the way intended.
Robert Mueller is a great American and a trustworthy ally of the American people. The country needs to appreciate that and embrace his work.