In several instances, President Obama called on the world for unity. There was unity called for to defeat the charismatic movement of Daesh. There was a call of unity for defeating the climate crisis. He also asked the world to think about selectively moving toward a clear understanding of the quality of life through the measure of health.
The world trusted President Obama for the most part. Putin came to hate The West in a greater measure than anyone evens understands today. Obama did not hold Putin's hand while advancing against a Ukraine that was free to live without fear of war. Instead, President Obama along with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel took a hard line against the tentacles of Russian oligarchs and removing Russia from the G8. It was a huge price to pay, but, instead, Putin grew nationalism within Russia, closed it's borders to internet traffic and pulled up the welcome mat to any investment from the West.
Realize now, that Trump and his family were in dialogue with Russia during the time sanctions were imposed. The sanctions worked. It worked so well that Putin decided to invade the USA a different way. Putin set the path forward to place a president in the Oval Office friendly to Russia and relief would be provided from the sanctions. I believe that is true more than any other explanation for Russia's involvement in the 2016 elections. Trump has proven to be the person Russia used to invade the USA.