In regard to the Special Council Report:
Please remember Former Director Mueller realizes this is Russia, an enemy of the USA. While he had no problem indicting individual Russians, to indict a president enamored with Russia is not his to make, it is up to Congress. That is another reason why AG Barr is completely wrong about writing a stupid letter rather than forwarding the report and supporting documents to Congress.
Robert Mueller is also an American. He no different than any other American expects the government to function.
The "thing" with the GOP about all this is that what Trump is doing is legal. It is permissible under the USA Constitution. Maybe. I believe there is a lawsuit by Mr. McCabe in the courts. But, it isn't that Trump does these things, it is the manner in which he has done them. In the case of Mr. McCabe he publicly embarrassed him and deprived him of a retirement every agent seeks if they are a career agent. That was a power play, grossly inappropriate and mentally cruel, that was used to set an example for all other government employees regarding LOYALTY. LOYALTY is not a constitutional right, either. We are a country of laws, not men.
The GOP is very, very wrong in substituting political animus for governance.