Every candidate running for any office in the USA should be interested in the fact the White House is attempting to threaten network CEOs unless they follow the Trump agenda for American viewing.
You know what gave me the idea there was a real pathology with President Trump?
FBI Agent McCabe.
Trump absolutely enjoyed depriving Agent McCabe of his fully vested retirement. Not only did Trump enjoy it, but he was also enjoying it in full view of the public (power). Trump not only enjoyed the idea of torturing an FBI Agent with financial demise in public, but he also enjoyed it in the closing days of the employ of Agent McCabe. Sorry, folks but that is a pathology no one should ignore. The President of the USA cut off the fully vested retirement of an FBI agent DAYS before he was to retire. That is not a mentally healthy president.
Not only was that cruel and unusual treatment of a dedicated government employee that is involved with national security but, Trump's zealotry is contagious to the public.
And it doesn't end there. There are examples after examples of his pathology that screams out loud and it is in public display.
Now, Trump wants to control every media network with a prescribed agenda. I don't think so. We have enough trouble holding onto a civilized society.