5 December 2018
If you think New Zealand's Southern Alps (click here) are shielded from climate change – take a look at this. "You can't make a glacier lie.” / NIWA
"...You can't make a glacier lie...."
Does everyone understand that losing the icefields, glaciers and caps of Earth is extremely dangerous?
There is absolutely no doubt Earth is warming and the icefields of Earth are melting. There is no doubt about that. It is measurable and the statements accurate.
Earth's capacity to maintain it's icefields is so diminished that the planet is heating. The greenhouse gases are responsible for Earth's warming climate.
High amounts of these gases in Earth's troposphere is detrimental to life.
The greenhouse gas over abundance has to end and a reverse trend to eliminate anthropogenic emissions must be engaged to fully recapture Earth's benevolence. The icefields must regenerate.