"Nad Tatrou sa blýska"
"Lightning over the Tatras"
Nad Tatrou sa blýska
Hromy divo bijú
Zastavme ich, bratia
Veď sa ony stratia
Slováci ožijú
There is lightning over the Tatras
Thunders loudly sound
Let us stop them, brothers
After all they will disappear
The Slovaks will revive
To Slovensko naše
Posiaľ tvrdo spalo
Ale blesky hromu
Vzbudzujú ho k tomu
Aby sa prebralo
That Slovakia of ours
Had been sleeping by now
But the thunder's lightnings
Are rousing the land
To wake it up
Only the first two stanzas have been legislated as the anthem
Už Slovensko vstáva
Putá si strháva
Hej, rodina milá
Hodina odbila
Žije matka Sláva
Slovakia is already rising
Tearing off Her shackles
Hey, dear family
The hour has struck
Mother Glory is alive
Ešte jedle rastú
Na krivánskej strane
Kto jak Slovák cíti
Nech sa šable chytí
A medzi nás stane
Firs are still growing
On the slopes of Kriváň
Who feels to be a Slovak
Let him take a sabre
And stand among us