The Democrats will turn the USA into Venezuela? Really? Everyone has to know it is blatant nonsense. Last time it was the USA was going to turn into Greece.
I am a little worried though, because, Trump has reduced the tax structure of the USA to a trickle into the US Treasury. There is also the issue of the tariffs and currently 2 percent inflation. Trump is losing jobs at four times the rate of job creation. If the USA falls into the state of Venezuela, I think we know who we can blame and it isn't Democrats.
First Lady Melania statements during the Kavanaugh hearings prove that some women do not understand how charges of sexual assault and rape are carried out. These crimes are proven by testimony and any peripheral evidence. There are usually no witnesses to these crimes. Friends in the same room, especially in gang rape, are not witnesses to innocence. I continue to appreciate her interest. If she wants to pursue a deeper understanding it would be welcome. The First Lady can hold summits to bring an understanding of crimes against women.