I am sorry to hear we are all waiting to hear news about a Washington Post journalist.
Let me add some unscientific perspective to a disappearing journalist. It might bring about an understanding that foreign journalist face regarding oppression and censorship.
It is my opinion the communist nations such as China and Russia have used the event of Daesh's charismatic movement to instill fear of criticism of a country's leadership. In other words, any negative connotations about a leader are labeled as dissident and of the mind of Daesh. That fear has instilled the right to arrest and most probably imprison or cause the death of Daesh sympathizers.
I believe that dynamic is also the reason China has a permanent strong man at it's helm. Communism does not require elections so much as assignments of leadership from within it's ranks. I am not saying President Xi Jinping is not a good president. I believe he is among the great leaders of China. But, the idea there is no longer elections may have its roots in the assault Daesh provided to countries around the world.
So, to bring this to a brief end, there is still shadows of Daesh within the world. The ghosts are still walking among us and the countries globally are still reacting to the depth of such a regime and it's successful use of the Muslim faith. Rightfully so. But. We need to come together still as a large community to fight all the good fights, including the climate crisis and the ghosts of Daesh to bring about permanent safety to all countries.