President Trump has pledged to accept 45,000 Syrian refugees per year. Under the previous administration the USA accepted 85,000 Syrian refugees per year. but, that has dwindled to 16.230 as of June 30, 2018. The refugees have been settled throughout the USA waiting and working toward their green cards. The families are extremely grateful to be rescued from the danger they faced in Syria, Their is an article today in the Chicago Tribune about the Haj Khalaf family. The Trump Administration needs to resume their commitment of accept 45,000 Syrian refugee resettlement per year.
Interestingly, Chicago has housing and job opportunities set aside specifically for refugee resettlement. In mostly all cases refugees that enter the USA are well vetted and become contributing members of society. They also bring their culture to the American melting pot to strengthen the diversity the USA is proud that has made the country great.
The Trump Travel Ban does not prohibit refugee resettlement. The reduced numbers of Syrian refugees are causing increased numbers in Turkey’s refugee camps. The Turkey refugee camps have about 2.5 million Syrian refugees. Turkey’s camps are well run and encourage trans-Atlantic resettlement. Refugee resettlement is part of the USA’s reality and has been for a long time. It is time Mr. Trump live up to his commitment and increase those numbers again.