What promise did Putin make to Trump? Surrender? Like General Lee. Trump says he will hard on Russia if Putin breaks his promise. What promise is this? Something in the secret meeting? This is ridiculous. Putin is saying Russia and the USA are locking arms in Syria to fight the war together. Hm? USA with New Syrian Army and Russia Assad. How does that work exactly? Trump surrendered to Putin after disclosing the rest of USA secrets we held dear for National Security? When is Congress going to get the testimony of the translator to get the details on Trump’s surrender?
Was there a date specific the USA takes down the blue field of fifty stars to fly the Russian flag? Putin is coming to review the troops to the tine of more than $12 million dollars. Is the Russian flag going to be flying?
Does that mean Putin will shut down the Texas oilfields to solely sell Russian oil? Just wondering how far the 2 plus hour meeting went to bring Russia on as
the USA BFF?
Trump was making all kinds of promises he stated after the cozy meeting, how far did Trump go?