There are many young men and women in the IDF. That is not only respectable, but, shows a well trained and ready force. They will be present along the border and there have been two arrests of Palestinians stated to be armed. I expect the soldiers of the IDF to respect freedom of speech and the right to protest to relay a message to Israel, the West Bank and the world.
There is to be no escalation of tensions. I doubt that is possible anyway. There will be no faux accusations and the media should have full view of the protest, protesters and compassion for their message. They are not sending Katusha rockets, they are sending their pleadings to the world and to President Abbas. Their lives are not going well and it is their souls they are interested in as well.
The protesters are to be recognized for their willingness to protest. They should be recognized for their struggle. They should have spokespersons that may be able to speak in all necessary languages or not. The best spokespeson is the one with a message of peace and prosperity and hope for a peaceful Middle East for their children and the generations to follow.
I think the world wants to hear what they have to say.
March 28, 2018
By Nir Gontarz
...Gontarz. (click here) Can you tell me a little bit about Hamas' plans for this holiday season in Israel?
What do you mean, holiday season in Israel?
To the best of my knowledge, there’s supposed to be a march to the fence [on the Gaza-Israel border] during the Passover holiday in Israel, and after that on Independence Day, your Nakba Day.
Is Hamas moving from military action to civil action?
Actually, Mr. Nir, it is not Hamas who made the decision, but the youth. The main idea was thought up by the youth. There are people who think there is no hope, no future, and that we have to do something – ya'ani, to remind the whole world that we as Palestinians are still suffering, we are still living in the diaspora or in refugee camps, and there's a certain decision by the United Nations, [Resolution] UN 194, that we are trying to implement, ya'ani, and to send a message to the world community that our problem is not solved and we’re still suffering, and continue to see our land being abused by the occupation, or Israelis trying to squeeze us to the corner, punishing the Palestinians, and this is something that this generation of Palestinians is not going to accept. And so they’re doing their own civil march, they don’t intend to do anything belligerent, and I think this is the message they would like to carry to the whole world, about the situation and the suffering in Gaza....
The only reason to wear a mask is to hide recognition. The youth of Gaza need to be open to peace and hiding only raises suspicion as to why anonymity is necessary. The youth of Gaza need to be welcoming to ideas for peace and not the latest in fear mongering. They should show their faces of peace in their protest.
By Uri Dromi
When Hamas took over Gaza in 2006, (click here) I wrote in The International Herald Tribune that, perhaps, it was a blessing in disguise: “Things might now become much clearer. There will be no whitewashing, no Arafat-style double-talk or endless Abbas impotence. It’s better to deal with a pure enemy: Fight him ruthlessly while he is your enemy, and sit down and talk to him when he is genuinely willing to cut a deal.
“History has seen such things happen.”
Indeed, in the 12 years since, Hamas rotated between being Israel’s enemy and a de facto partner. Three times Israel fought Hamas, trying to stop the harassment of its south with rockets. In 2008-09, it was Operation Cast Lead; in 2012, it was Operation Pillar of Defense; and in 2014 — Operation Defensive Edge.
In between, Israel found itself forced to deal with Hamas, because it was the true ruler of Gaza. Israel and the rest of the world declared Hamas to be a terror organization and therefore didn’t have any formal relations with it. However, huge sums of money poured into Gaza during the years. They were funneled through the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, but eventually landed in the hands of Hamas, which practically governs Gaza. This masked ball helped alleviate the living conditions of the poor Gazans, while officially not recognizing Hamas....