State officials have given Enbridge Inc. (click here) permission to install 22 more
anchor supports along twin pipelines at the bottom of the waterway linking
Lakes Michigan and Huron.
The disgraced and derelict Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issued
a permit last week allowing the supports of Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac....
After Flint and the unwillingnes to stand up to the Governor's regulation czar,
there aren't many in Michigan that believe the MDEQ is actually worth the salaires
they are paid.
The supports Enbridge is using add pressure to the pipeline which is old and
deteriorated. Pipeline 5 needs to be shut down. A spill will cause a great deal of
damage to the state's and Canada's economies, not different than the damage
along the Gulf Coast as seen with the Deepwater Horizon spill.
The real tragedy in a Great Lakes spill is the loss of service of fresh water lakes. It'
has taken decades of dedicated investment to clean up the Great Lakes and even
today much needs to be done. A simple "Oops" by Enbridge and the Great Lakes
will no longer be great, or swimmable or fishable or even photographable.
Line 5 was built in 1953. Questions?
The population of Michigan in 1953 is two-thirds what it is today at 6.8 million
people and may of those 6.8 million people were working for the auto industry
and not fishing for a living.
May 9, 1979, there was a ruling against Michigan in allowing fishing rights to
Native Americans in the northwest region of the state.
US v. Michigan (click here)
I sincerely believe the Native Americans of northern Michigan are giving up their hard earned authority to protect the fishing rights of those fresh water lakes. Why?